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What are Anti-consumer practices ?

Anti-consumer practices are conduct or programs taken by businesses or other realities that are mischievous to consumers. These practices may be purposeful or unintentional, and they can harm consumers in a variety of ways. Then are some exemplifications ofanti-consumer practices

  1. False advertising False advertising involves making false or deceiving claims about a product or service. This could include exaggerating the benefits of a product, making false claims about its effectiveness, or using deceptive language to trick consumers into allowing they’re getting a better deal than they actually are.
  2. retired freights and charges Some companies may add retired freights and charges to their products or services, making it delicate for consumers to understand the true cost of what they’re copping. This could include retired freights for shipping, handling, or other services.
  3. illegal pricing illegal pricing practices involve charging consumers further than what’s reasonable or necessary for a product or service. This could include price fleecing during times of extremity or taking advantage of consumers who are less informed about the true value of a product.
  4. illegal contract terms Some companies may include illegal contract terms in their agreements with consumers, similar as taking consumers to waive their legal rights or agree to binding arbitration in the event of a disagreement.
  5. Poor client service Poor client service can also be considered ananti-consumer practice. This could include unresponsive or harmful client service representatives, long delay times on the phone, or a lack of responsiveness to client complaints.
  6. Product quality issues Businesses may also engage inanti-consumer practices by producing products of poor quality or failing to adequately test their products for safety and efficacity. This could put consumers at threat of detriment or injury.
  7. sequestration violations Companies may also engage inanti-consumer practices by collecting or using consumer data without their concurrence, or failing to adequately cover consumer data from theft or abuse.

Overall,anti-consumer practices can have serious consequences for consumers, including fiscal losses, detriment to health and safety, and violations of sequestration and consumer rights. Consumers should be apprehensive of these practices and take way to cover themselves by probing products and services, reading contracts precisely, and reporting any cases of illegal or deceptive business practices.

The Consumer Protection Act 2019 is a comprehensive legislation legislated by the Indian government to cover the rights of consumers and promote fair trade practices in the country. The Act replaced the earlier Consumer Protection Act 1986 and came into effect on July 20, 2020.

The Consumer Protection Act 2019 aims to give better protection for consumers against illegal trade practices and insure speedy resolution of controversies. It defines the rights of consumers, including the right to information, choice, safety, and voice. The Act also establishes colorful authorities and mechanisms for the redressal of consumer grievances.

Some of the crucial features of the Consumer Protection Act 2019 include

  1. Establishment of Central Consumer Protection Authority( CCPA) to promote, cover, and apply the rights of consumers.
  2. preface of a simplified disagreement resolution process through the agreement cell ande-filing of complaints.
  3. Provision for product liability action against manufacturers, service providers, and merchandisers for any detriment caused to consumers due to imperfect products or services.
  4. preface of strict penalties for misleading announcements, including celebrity signatures.
  5. Expansion of the description of” consumer” to include those who buy goods or services throughe-commerce platforms.

Overall, the Consumer Protection Act 2019 seeks to strengthen the consumer protection frame in India and insure that consumers have access to effective and effective redressal mechanisms in case of any grievances.

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